Monday, June 29, 2009

Catey's address at the MTC /emails from Sister Stroud

July 21, 2009

Yep you are allowed to email me!

I have so many things to say and so little time, so hopefully this makes sense. :)

First of all, you didn't get lucky to have an incredible daughter.  You are amazing parents.  There is no luck about it. :)

Just keep sending me letters.  There are elders who get care packages, but I'm tying to stay healthy and skinny, so just keep the letters coming. :)

I'm sorry to hear about grandpa.  I will be writing them a letter today.  We don't get a lot of time for ourselves here at the MTC.  I have to write my letters while I'm doing laundry. :) It broke my heart to hear about grandpa and I get tears everytime I think about it, but I know that he is a survivor and that he is in the Lord's hands.  But I want you all to know that I'm praying for him all the time.  For al of you actually.

I need to write to James and DeAnn.  I want to see pictures of their new puppy!

Good job, Preston, for calling Cindy.  I want you to know that she IS a special gift from God.  When I read that, I got tears in my eyes, goosebumps and I know that that is cocmpletely rue.  Heavenly Father loves you, Preston and He loves Codie.  It is YOUR responsibility to be a good father to her.  I can't wait to see pictures of my precious niece.

I'll have to finish this email in a second.  I have to go to another room and there is not a save button.:)

Ok, anyways, sorry I had to move to a different room.

So... Sunday was an amazing day, other than the fact that I had to speak in sacrament, which actually wasn't that bad.  :)  We went to a fireside, and then afterwards watched The Testament.  Of course, I bawled through the whole thing.  After we came out, it was raining and windy and PERFECT.  I wanted to stay outside forever.

So a typical day for me goes something like this:
5:45 Wake up
7:00 Personal study (in classroom)
7:45 Breakfast
8:15 Class
Then I go to class and meetings and study all day, and gym, till about 9 p.m., and then do companion planning for 30 minutes. (Oh, and lunch and dinner. Can't forget those. :) ) Then lights out at 10:30.
It's kind of tough being in the SAME classroom for 12 hours a day, but I have a fun district, so it works out.  Then Tuesday is P-Day, which does involve studying, but we get ... PERSONAL TIME, laundry and we get to go to the temple, which is absolutely beautiful.

Dad, I do get to exercise for 50 minutes a day, 4 or 5 days a week.  We usually play volleyball (I know, right?) (Mother's Note: Catey hates any kind of ball coming toward her) or go running or walking or something.  But my dorm is on the 4th floor so we get our fair share of stair climbing (my calves are pretty buffy now:) ).  I'm staying pretty healthy, and I'm still planning on running a marathon when I get back... and eventually do an Ironman.  You up for that? :)  I haven't got to hear a General Authority yet, but I haven't lost hope.  I'm glad you got to see your family (Randy went to Tennessee for a Family Reunion).  I know that you really wanted to go, so I'm glad you did.

My testimony has grown like a weed since I got here, and my understanding of the gospel has increased so much.  Dad, you would be so proud.  I do leave the 29th (a week from tomorrow).  My companion leaves on August 5th, because she has to do temple tour training.

Anyways, I love you all so much and I miss you like crazy, but I know that this is where the Lord needs me right now, and I am so excited to forth and invite others to come unto Christ through the power of the Holy Ghost.  I know that this is the restored Gospel of Jesus Christ on the earth today.  I know that Jesus Christ died for us, so that we can live with our Heavenly Father again.  I know that families can be together forever, and I am so thankful for that knowledge in my life.

Give everyone a hug and kiss for me, especially Little Miss Codie.  And send pictures as soon as you can. :)

Sister Stroud


June 14, 2009

Hola familia,

Como estan? :) The MTC is AMAZING! Sorry my last letter was so short.  My branch president told us to write home and tell our parents that we got here safe.  Just so you guys know and aren't worried, I got here safe. :)

Anyways, my companion's name is Sister Hardey.  She is from Shreport, LA.  We have so much in common, and we definitely work in unity.  She will be serving at the St. George Visitor's Center in Utah Provo mission.

So... Thursday was basically the longest day of my life.  I never thought that it would end. :) Actually all of last week went really slow.  But, yesterday flew by and the next thing I know I'm going to be out in the mission field.  Today is P-Day so I will be emailing you all every Tuesday while I'm at the MTC.  You all can send me letters whenever you want though.  I'm pretty much super popular and have already gotten like 524 letters though. :) Haha.  Anyways, we had the most spiritual day on Sunday.  Words can't even explain it.  It was just absolutely amazing.

I can't believe how much my testimony has grown over the last few days.  Just like a marriage, it takes 3 to make a companionship work... Sister Hardey, myself and the Holy Ghost.  There has been so many times when we have gone into a lesson (yes, we are already teaching.  We do role play here at the MTC in rooms that are set up like living rooms - it's pretty rad.) and have kind of gone through what we are going to talk about, and have just had to rely on the Holy Ghost to lead the way.  And then there has been times where, before a lesson, we have just looked at each other and said, "How are we going to teach this?" But as soon as we pray and have more confidence in the Spirit than we do in ourselves, we totally rock the lessons. :)  It's also amazing the insights that I get as I study, that I most likely wouldn't have if I weren't set apart as a missionary.  I understand better, I learn quicker and I memorize scriptures, and passages (i.e. The First Vision) like nobody else's business. It's GREAT!  President Monson promised that if we, as missionaries, memorize one scripture everyday for the rest of our mission, we would have a photographic memory when we get home.  Totally doing that!

I'm so excited to go out into the mission field and bring souls unto Christ.  I am so thankful for all of your support.  I can't even tell you how grateful I am for all of your love and especially for your examples.  I wouldn't be on a mission if it weren't for everything you guys have done for me, even if I had all the money in the world.  I don't know if I tell you enough, but I love you guys like you would not believe.

Enough about me, how is everything in AZ?  How is grandpa and grandma?  Is grandpa doing better? (Catey's grandpa Hilton had a stroke when we were in Utah trying to get her ready for her mission).  Am I an aunt yet?  How are you guys?  Dad, how's the job search?  Mom, are you ready to go back to school?  How is Preston? How are James and DeAnn?  Come on... I want to know EVERYTHING. :)

By the way, I leave the MTC on July 29th, not August 5th... Sorry this is so scattered.  My brain is going a million miles an hour, and I only have limited time to email you (so please forgive any grammatical errors). :)

I have to go do my personal study now, but I just wanted to share my testimony really quick... I know, without a doubt, that this is the true gospel of Jesus Christ, restored by Joseph Smith in these last days.  I know that Heavenly Father loves each and every one of us.  We truly are His children.  I know that families can be together forever.  I know that the Book of Mormon is a true book, written by prophets of God to guide us in this last dispensation.  I know that President Monson is ordained by God to lead the church.  I know that Jesus Christ loves us so much that He gave His life for us.  He knows exactly what we are going through, every struggle, every pain.  I know that my Redeemer lives.  He will come again someday.

I love you all and miss you a ton!

Sister Stroud

While Sister Stroud is in the MTC, you can write her at this address:

Sister Cathryn Elizabeth Stroud
Utah Salt Lake City Mission
Provo Missionary Training Center
2005 N 900 E
Provo, UT 84604

As soon as she enters the mission field, I will update her address there. Stay tuned!

Momma Stroud

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